Co-author of theGuide de l’organisation apprenante” -Guide to the Learning Organisation- (Eyrolles,2018) and author of Le Burn Out, une opportunité de transformation intérieure” -The Burn Out, an opportunity for inner transformation- (L’Harmattan, 2019),

we offer you inspiring conferences, designed and targeted according to your needs.

 They can be followed by a discussion with the participants, or even a period ofco-creation around a particular challenge or problem.

Example of inspiring conferences:

  • The role of the leader and HR in bringing about transformation
  • Learning organisations
  • From Lean to collective intelligence
  • Defining and Implementing Managerial innovation and empowering management
  • Understanding and transforming burn out
Be Change Live 2019 - Tous droits réservés - Création graphique et réalisation : Shak'kit