``Failure is not falling, but to stay where we fell``
The combination of events in our professional environment and of our operating patterns can lead to situations of sustained stress. Depending on our awareness of what is at work, we can avoid burn out… or not.
In any case, being supported is a key factor for success: by connecting with one’s inner alignment and feelings, by clarifying one’s own operating methods and those of the company, everyone recognises their own responsibility. By observing what is expressed in the reality, without judgment, one can get started , in complete autonomy.
Sometimes it is enough to change your perspective to take control of your life, and thus prevent or transform the burn out.
of managers
Your needs:
- Sensitise managers and employees to situations of sustained stress that they can experience or induce,
- Provide keys to understanding the mechanisms at work culturally and structurally throughout the system which can increase the risk of burn out,
- Give you the means to reduce, as far as possible, the risk of burn out for yourself or your teams.
Burn Out focus groups
“What matters is not what happens to us, but what we do with what happens to us…”
Loss of meaning, fatigue or guilt are among the characteristics of people who burn out. Being aware that others are in the same situation, exchanging perspectives in complete transparency and neutrality allows you to step back from your own situation. The objective is not to complain but to understand and transform what is happening to us.
Accompanying the Burn Out
and return to work
“What we do not want to see of ourselves comes back to us as destiny.” Carl Gustav Jung
Your employee is on leave for burn out and you want to be able to accompany them. We suggest that you do so, in complete confidentiality, because, in a burn out situation, they need to cut off contact with the company for a while.