``Knowledge is acquired through experience, everything else is just information.``

Albert Einstein

Living the experience, first feeling what effect it has on us and on the group, then understanding what we have experienced through theoretical input, this is what we propose to anchor the experience, while meeting your operational objectives.

Your needs:

  • Design and facilitate one or more events, seminars or workshops,
  • Discover, experiment and disseminate collective intelligence practices (e. g. Theory U) and collaborative approaches within your organisation,
  • Bring out the initial outcomes of a project or team in a short time.

Our offer:



  1. During a 2-hour session, based on your motivation for this event, we co-design together its content and structure.
  2. The event itself, lasting from between a half and two days, encourages the mobilisation of collective intelligence and the emergence of creative solutions based on collaborative approaches (co-development, Open Space Technology,…).

Running throughout our work will be Theory U, making it possible to access the emerging future through the quality of intention, attention and listening.


intelligence journey

  1. During a 3-hour session, based on your motivation for these 3 events (or more), we co-design together their sequencing.
  2. Each workshop, lasting from between a half and two days, will encourage the mobilisation of collective intelligence and the emergence of creative solutions based on collaborative approaches (co-development, Open Space Technology,…).

Running throughout our work will be Theory U, making it possible to access the emerging future through the quality of intention, attention and listening.

  1. At the end of the process, a systemic synthesis makes it possible to capitalise on the experience and define the resulting perspectives.
Be Change Live 2019 - Tous droits réservés - Création graphique et réalisation : Shak'kit